The Deeper Life initiative provides a new challenge to other churches. The general practice hitherto has been for the church leaders to involve all th
Read More[dropcap]W[/dropcap]ithout any intention to discredit the prosecution, it is worthy of note that several activities of the police force have over the
Read MoreBy his decision of Wednesday April 25, 2018 particularly in annulling a matter that is yet in the legislative assembly at the level of a Bill depictin
Read MoreFrom our distance, we see a dangerous trend developing in the Senate. We see a Saraki-led Senate that is becoming draconian and totally authoritarian.
Read MoreThe core of the OGP is openness and transparency, and this is with due respect to the four thematic areas and their allied commitments. But while we c
Read MoreConsciously or unconsciously, the Edo state government has already taken the first step to apply OGP thematic areas of focus in ensuring fiscal transp
Read MoreBy and large, our elections and the primaries leading to them are still a façade. Politicians have over the years developed a bag of tricks. Lately, a
Read MoreSince Nigeria’s return to the current democratic experiment in 1999, had our Presidents – Olusegun Obasanjo, Musa Yar’Adua, Goodluck Jonathan, and dow
Read MoreMany of the people who have argued that returned loot – from Switzerland the UK and the US – should be used to sponsor a memorial to remember the dama
Read MoreFrom the lessons of history, it is also clear to many Nigerians that countries similarly situated with Nigeria have hidden under their gun control law
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