
Don’t Vote Anointed Presidential, Governorship Candidates –ACF

• Says power shift undemocratic

Less than a week to the presidential election, the Arewa Consultative Forum (ACF) has advised electorate not to vote any candidate anointed by a predecessor.

In the same vein, the ACF frowned at voting for a governorship candidate handpicked by a state governor as a successor.

In a statement, yesterday, Secretary General of the Forum, Murtala Aliyu, said such moves were unhealthy schemes for democracy.

He also noted that it was undemocratic to force political power shift to one part of the country, stressing that citizens should be allowed to vote leaders of their choice irrespective of region, ethnic and religious differences.

“In a few days, some 93 million Nigerians will go to the polls to elect a new president, 29 governors, 469 members of the National Assembly, and 990 members of the 36 state Houses of Assembly. There is no doubt, this is a gigantic and important exercise.

“ACF has always taken the liberty to draw the attention of voters to the right qualities they should look for when deciding whom to cast their votes for. On each occasion, such as this, the key selection criteria we recommend to voters to consider are very clear and objective party manifestos and the character and track records of the candidates. 

“Voters will do great disservice to themselves if they were to vote into offices persons they know have no capacity to perform well, or are persons with questionable character. Voters are also always advised to shun those unhealthy schemes whereby a president or state governor handpicks a successor.

“Nothing promotes entrenched corruption, cronyism and poor leadership more that such schemes as such dubious arrangements. The nation will never be able to identify and select good leaders among its people so long as some dubious  people are allowed to manipulate the selection of candidates and the ultimate election processes.

“A cardinal and national goal of our great and dear country includes the creation of a nation in which: ‘though tribe and tongue may differ, in brotherhood we stand’. 

“We, as a nation, believed so much in such slogan that at one time, it was a part of our national anthem. And in simple terms, it means in our search for good leaders, we must cast our nets far beyond our ethnic, religious or geographical interests. A leader does not have to come from our tribe, zone, region or religious persuasion. 

“We should seek for leaders that best cater for our national interests, and who are elected within the tenets of democratic processes. The tenets that allow people to choose leaders who will best cater for interests of the generality of the people, not their individual personal or the interests of their ethnic or religious groups.

“When 17 state governors from southern part of the country, and from different political parties met last year and demanded a southerner must be elected as the president, the heavens did not fall. It was accepted that as we are in a democracy, they were entitled to their views and opinions.

“Quite recently also, some 14 northern governors, belonging to the All progressives Congress Party (APC), met and came out with the announcement that they had committed themselves to ensuring a candidate of their party from the southern part of the country is elected president of the country. Their reason was that the emergence and subsequent election of a person from the southern part of the country will serve to entrench the principle of North/South power rotation in the country. 

“Though the principle of power rotation is still largely and somewhat controversial, nonetheless, under our democratic dispensation, we must reconcile ourselves to accepting that Nigeria is a country for all its citizens, and each citizen has right to choose whoever he or she believes to be in the best interests of themselves and their followers.  At the same time, however, they also have to accept the principle of power rotation between North and South.”

ACF thanked the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) for creating the conducive environment that would ensure the elections are free and fair, and that every vote cast counts. 

“We are particularly impressed by the introduction of technology in the electioneering process, a right step that will surely serve to check against such hitherto usual electoral malpractices of over-voting, ballot-stuffing, ballot box snatching and the alteration of results.”

“The online transmission of results from the polling points to the collating centres and the provision of facilities for people to monitor election results online are also innovations that will ensure the elections are not rigged. Various security agencies, the political parties, their candidates and followers are also worthy of praise for their remarkable preparations for the all important elections. 

“The resolve of Nigerians to conclude the general elections successfully has also never been in doubt. Given all that have been accomplished, there is no earthly reason for anyone to even attempt to temper with the announced timetable of the elections. That will be totally unacceptable.

“The ACF will like to observe that whatever candidates and their supporters would wish, the final verdict will be that determined by the votes Nigerians cast. There will definitely be winners and losers, so whichever way it goes, no one should attempt to disrespect the decision of Nigerians by condemning, or, even worse, rejecting the outcome. 

“That will be a cruel attack on our democracy and Nigerians will regard such conduct as unacceptable. Leaders in all climes must take all steps to ensure the safety of lives and property of all citizens and foreigners in their domains. 

“The media too must play a responsible role in reporting to douse any tension that may arise as a consequence of the elections and results. Governments, at all levels, must ensure a smooth transition to the next crop of leadership. 

“But most importantly, Nigerians should come out and vote for the candidates of their choice on Saturday, February 25, and two weeks later on Saturday, March 11. Remember, not coming out to vote is allowing yourself to be ruled by your inferiors.

“Our hopes and prayers are that the elections will be held peacefully, and will produce outcomes that will help take the country closer to its main development goals of building a free, just, democratic, and egalitarian society.  A great, united, and self-reliant nation, with a strong and dynamic economy. A land full of bright opportunities for all citizens.

“Clearly, the necessary requirement for achieving success in the elections is the determination of Nigerians to ensure it actually succeeds. Towards that end, the Federal Government, in particular, must commit itself to delivering what should turn out to be a fair, transparent, credible and hitch-free elections the outcomes of which must be decided only by the votes cast. 

“The president has at various times, and at different fora promised to do that. The nation looks forward to the fulfilment of that promise,” he said in the statement.