
Obaseki Lays Foundation For Edo Education Hub, Sets May 2024 Completion Date

…Says hub to house world-class library, PHC, conference centre, others

…‘Govt on course with one-PHC-per-ward project’

Edo State Governor, Mr. Godwin Obaseki, on Friday, performed the groundbreaking ceremony for the development of an Education Hub in the state, with the assurance that the project will be delivered to Edo people by May 2024.

The governor at the groundbreaking ceremony held at Edo State Ministry of Education, Iyaro in Benin City today, said the government will build a world-class library in the facility with at least 50 million tittles.

Obaseki noted, “We are here today for the groundbreaking ceremony of the education hub, but coming here reminds us that education broke down in Edo State just like all these buildings. Deterioration in education in Edo State equates to the type of deterioration that you see in the buildings on this premises.

“As a government, we would not have completed our work, having transformed the education system and leaving this infrastructure that would govern and regulate the sector. In order to feel we have accomplished our mission in education, we must rebuild this education hub.”

He continued: “In the education hub, the Library Board will have a building. By May this year, we will open a branch of the library at Edo Mall. You can’t open a branch without head office. We are rebuilding our library system with a minimum of 50 million tittles. We are rebuilding our library system into a digital system spread across the State. This will enable our children across the State to log into the Edo library to check and read books for their use. It will be a world-class library board and a library system.

“It will also house the Ministry of Education and SUBEB offices, as well as the Secondary School Education Board. We are focusing on the disarticulation of junior from senior secondary schools.

“Offices for Technical Education which is now a priority in the State will be in the hub, as we want many children as possible to have skills to enable them to have the handwork to feed themselves even if they can’t further their education. Also, the office for quality assurance will be there as children go to school but nobody to ensure quality in our schools.

“We are building three schools within this hub and their playground. We would be having Primary 1 to 6, JSS 1 to 3 and SS 1 to 3. This will be one of our ambitious projects and will bring you back here in May next year 2024. We don’t like commissioning projects but this we would commission.”

He further noted, “We would make sure that this hub is supported by world-class amenities. We are also building a world-class conference center to sit a minimum of 500 people at a time, as well as a cafeteria and restaurants for workers.

“To govern education properly you must create the infrastructure that would help you govern education which includes the premises and offices. Our leaders did those 50 years ago. We are not to lament but to fix, and give hope to the next generation.

“The world has recognized what we are doing in our educational system. The Economics of London, this week, wrote an article on education and referred to what we are doing in Edo State,” the governor noted.

On his part, Shaibu noted, “We’ve been able to transform our education beyond just learning. Our parents are now actively involved in the education of our children because the parents also have roles to play in assisting the teachers to give our children the best of education.”

Also, the Commissioner of Education, Dr. Joan Osa Oviawe added, “This project is the brainchild of Mr. Governor. I want to assure you that this project will be completed before the governor leaves office. We will all come here before November 2024 to commission this project to the delight of the people of the State.”

Earlier, the Executive Secretary, Edo State Primary Health Care Development Agency (EDSPHCDA), Dr. Omosigho Izedonmwen said the government is on course with the development of one primary healthcare centre in each local council in the state.

He said, “14 PHCs will be in operation in March 2023 to form a cottage hospital and by the end of 2024, there will be PHCs in all the 192 wards of the state to deliver the best of basic healthcare to the people of the state coupled with the state’s health insurance scheme. The PHC for Ward 6 will be located in the hub’s premises to cater to the needs of the education hub and environs.”