
PDP Crisis: Ayu’s Purported Resignation Malicious, Reckless – Media Office

The Media Office of the National Chairman of the Peoples Democratic Party has dismissed news of the purported resignation of Sen. Iyiochia Ayu, as reckless, malicious and a figment of the imagination of the authors.

Ayu’s Special Adviser on Media & Communication, Simon Imobo-Tswam, issued the rebuttal in a statement he issued, in Abuja, on Monday.

Imobo-Tswam alleged that the attention of the PDP National Chairman was drawn to ‘sponsored stories’ in a section of the print and electronic media (not Vanguard) in the early hours of the day.

He said, “The stories purport that the PDP National Chairman, Dr. Iyorchia Ayu, has resigned. They  further add that his purported resignation letter is with ex-Senate President David Mark.

“Our Reaction: We state, with all emphasis, that this story is, in its entirety, false, baseless, reckless, inaccurate, and a complete work of fiction. If there is such a resignation, it exists only in the imagination of those who have made themselves available for hatchet jobs.

“If Dr. Ayu had resigned, he would give his resignation letter to the Deputy Chairman (North); not Sen. Mark. Section 45 (i and ii) of the party’s constitution is clear on this.

“So, where does Distinguished Sen. David Mark come in here, being that he is not even a member of the party’s National Working Committee (NWC)?

“It appears that those who have been procured to blackmail the national chairman out of office are not even aware of what the party’s constitution says about the matter.

“We are shocked that such reckless, vicious, mischievous and fabricated falsehood can find prime space in the mainstream media.

“But even more shocking is the fact that otherwise respected media houses have made themselves easy platforms for unscrupulous people to peddle falsehood and run smear campaigns, once the fee is right.

“But the fact remains that those who have been procured to write falsehood against the national chairman and those sponsoring same are investing in expensive illusions.

“The national chairman is on a crucial assignment: to lead the PDP on a historic rescue mission, Come February 2023. And he will not be deterred or distracted by  media terrorism or political blackmail.

“We restate, therefore, that the PDP National Chairman, Dr. Iyorchia Ayu, has not resigned and has no plan of resigning. For clarity and emphasis, he was elected for a tenure of four years.

“Sections 45 and 47 of the PDP constitution is clear on the removal and/or resignation of the national chairman. Those who don’t know this should get copies of the party’s constitution for more information on the matter.

“PDP members and the general public are advised to ignore any stories of such a phantom resignation”.