
Hold Government Accountable, Rights Activist Ugolor Tells Media, Civil Societies, Others

By Okhide Em’ya David.

Rights Activist and Executive Director of Africa Network for Environment and Economic Justice, Rev. David Ugolor has said that  for purposeful governance in Edo State and elsewhere in Nigeria the Media, Civil Societies and other critical stakeholders must proactively  monitor  execution of projects to  minimize  abandonment or poor execution.

Ugolor spoke at a Town hall meeting on Monday to discuss the report of “Budget Monitoring in the Education Sector of Edo State.”

He said the meeting was “part of implementation of activities under the ANEEJ’s Tackling of human trafficking through advocacy to increase investment in human capital development and civic engagement in Edo State.”

Ugolor disclosed that the budget monitoring which resulted from the research he conducted on Corruption – Migration Nexus created a platform for policy dialogue with relevant stakeholders after public presentation of the report.

“In line with the project’s goal, ANEEJ commissioned a research on Corruption-Migration Nexus and created a platform for policy dialogue with relevant stakeholders.

“We organised a press conference and held a public presentation of the report to relevant stakeholders for their inputs into the process. The project also ensured the training of CSOs, Media, Academia and citizens on Human Capital Development, Anti-Corruption, Budget Monitoring and Tracking,” he said.

Reverend David Ugolor noted that “Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, EndSARS protest and other security challenges the monitoring exercise only covered few projects in the  Education sector as against the initial plan to monitor other human capital development interventions in the state.”

He said Education is one of the key components in human capital development as captured from the three -day training hence, the monitoring exercise covered the implementation of Edo State 2019/2020 budget on the sector.

The Activist commended the Swiss Embassy in Nigeria for availing ANEEJ the funds which made the convocation of the event possible, and urged  Edo State government to adequately mobilize contractors to site to enable them complete projects within the contractual time frame.

His words: “Findings from the report are based on implementation of 2019/2020 Edo State Government budget while a total of twenty projects were assessed in the three senatorial districts of the state.”

He said 14 of the projects assessed have been completed, while 5 are on-going with 1 project yet to commence.

He said there are couples  of recommendations contained in the report for Government and State House of Assembly.

“The lawmakers need to step up their oversight role. The Executive Arm of Government should adequately mobilize contractors to site to enable them complete projects allocated within the contractual time frame.”