
If Biden Wins Arizona And Nevada, He Wins The Election, CNN’s John King Says

CNN If Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden maintains his lead in Nevada and Arizona, he will secure the 270 electoral votes needed to take the presidency, CNN’s John King said this afternoon.

“Nevada and Arizona are not called but Joe Biden is leading and Wolf [Blitzer] made the point if Joe Biden protects the lead in Nevada and Arizona and he gets to 270 electoral votes even if he doesn’t win the commonwealth of Pennsylvania,” King said.

Drilling down into the Arizona numbers: The state still has more than 600,000 ballots remaining to be counted, officials tell CNN. 

Between 615,000 and 635,000 ballots, possibly more, remain to be counted in Arizona, according to the officials. 

Biden currently leads Trump by about 93,000 votes statewide, 51% to 47.6%, according to CNN’s latest count. According to informal estimates, Trump would need to win approximately 58% of the outstanding vote to overcome Biden’s lead. 

Votes are still being counted in several key states, which could determine the outcome of the presidential race between President Trump and Joe Biden.

We’re still awaiting for results in these states:

  • Alaska
  • Arizona
  • Georgia
  • North Carolina
  • Nevada
  • Pennsylvania

Currently, Biden leads the race with 253 electoral votes over Trump’s 213 electoral votes.

Reminder: Each candidate needs 270 electoral college votes to win the presidency.