
Nigerian Rights Activist Calls For People’s Vanguard To Wrestle Power From Incompetent Political Class

Nigerian human rights and pro-democracy activist, Comrade Igbotako Nowinta, has called for the establishment of a people’s vanguard, consisted of uncompromising patriots and nationalists, who will ultimately wrestle power from the present incompetent conservative political class in Nigeria.

“As we face a deeply uncertain future, even as the country is turning into a massive graveyard of dizzying hunger and impoverishment, we call for the establishment of a people’s vanguard that will be consisted of uncompromising patriots and nationalists, who will ultimately wrestle power from the present incompetent conservative political class in Nigeria,” Nowinta thundered.

He also urged the Nigerian people to reply President Bola Tinubu’s son, Seyi Tinubu, with massive peaceful protests across the country.

Nowinta spoke against the backdrop of the excruciating hardship in the land and the comment recently credited to Nigeria’s President’s son, Seyi Tinubu as thus: “I wish today’s difficulties did not exist. But we must endure if we are to reach the good side of our future.”

Comrade Igbotako Nowinta, an international conflict resolution expert, who doubles as the Executive Director, Nigeria Good Governance Research Centre, made the above assertion via a press statement in Abuja, on Thursday February 22nd, 2024.

Comrade Nowinta said for Seyi Tinubu to have quoted his father that: “There is no joy in seeing the people of this nation shoulder burdens that should have been shed years ago” means that “Seyi Tinubu is living in a self-created dream land in Nigeria; he is a very spoilt child who has presented himself as a really dark ugly picture in the valley of impoverishment, poverty and degradation, which Nigerian people currently find themselves: and which was masterminded by his clueless father.”

He further said: “Seyi Tinubu’s recent statements on the state of the nation is most insultive and grossly insensitive to the feelings of the Nigerian people, where quoting his father, he averred thus: “There is no joy in seeing the people of this nation shoulder burdens that should have been shed years ago.”

“Seyi Tinubu further poured salt on the injuries already inflicted on the people of Nigeria when he said that: “I wish today’s difficulties did not exist. But we must endure if we are to reach the good side of our future.”

“What ‘burdens that should have been shed years ago’ when President Bola Tinubu has become a ferocious virus that preys on the people of Nigeria when the sudden tsunami of removal of subsidy has brought untold hardship to our country men, a colossal blunder of epic proportions?

“Where was the state of the naira and the pump prices of petroleum products when he was sworn in on May 29th, 2023? What we see today has never happened before in the economic arena in our country.

“The fact of the matter is that Nigerian people are currently terrified with unprecedented economic hardship and a totally destructive economic agenda; we see a re- introduction of modern-day slavery, where misplaced priorities have become indispensable component of state craft.

“As the economic agenda of the Tinubu presidency continuously mocks public concerns about the catastrophic inflationary trends in the country; it boils down to this question: where do Nigerians go from here? Simply we must device a new voice, we must reach a new level of resolutions.

“Firstly, we urge Nigerian people to immediately reply Seyi Tinubu’s insult with massive peaceful protests across the country, as result of his desperation to whitewash the ruthless outrages of his father. As bonafide citizens we are saddled with the significant responsibility to demand urgent reforms.

“As we face a deeply uncertain future, even as the country is turning into a massive grave yard of dizzying hunger and impoverishment, we call for the establishment of a people’s vanguard that will be consisted of uncompromising patriots and nationalists, who will ultimately wrestle power from the present incompetent conservative political class in Nigeria.”