
Breaking:  Supreme Court Dismisses Appeal On Edo State Leadership Tussle

The Supreme Court has dismissed an appeal bordering on the leadership crisis rocking the Edo State chapter of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP for lacking in merit.

In a unanimous judgment, the apex court held that it lacked jurisdiction to dabble into the internal affairs of a political party and accordingly dismissed the appeal lodged by the Dan Orbih faction of the party for lacking in merit.

Justice Emmanuel Agim who delivered the lead judgment affirmed the judgment of the Court of Appeal in holding that the subject matter of the appeal is an internal affairs of the party and therefore falls outside the jurisdiction of the court.

Fundamentally, the apex court held that the appellants who are adhoc delegates of the party lacked the requisite locus standi to institute the action.

Justice Agim held that only aspirants of a political party have the legal right to ventilate their grievances before the court.