
IPOB Raises The Alarm Over Indiscriminate Arrest Of Members, Igbo At Airports

The Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) has raised the alarm over alleged indiscriminate arrests of members and innocent Igbo people by security agents at Lagos and Abuja airports.

According to a statement by IPOB spokesperson, Emma Powerful, Igbo passengers have been subjected to humiliating searches at airports and later arrested if found with any Biafra paraphernalia.

“Nigerian security agents have taken it as a duty to humiliate Biafrans, who are departing or arriving these international airports, because of the agitation for Biafra referendum project.

“Any Biafran passenger, who is unfortunate to have Biafra-related content in his or her phone, or even without these contents, is arrested and detained by security personnel at the airports.

“Every Biafran is an indigenous person of Biafra, but not all Biafrans are members of IPOB.

“The group’s agitation for an independent state of Biafra is legal and supported by international and Nigerian laws. Therefore, arresting Biafra passengers is not only wicked but also unlawful.

“Those illegally arrested at these airports were not allowed to speak to their families and lawyers. They were detained in different security facilities across Lagos and Abuja.”

He warned that if the indiscriminate harassment continues, IPOB would have no other option than to ask the people being harassed to resist it.

“It’s appalling that out of many passengers at these airports, only Biafrans, especially the Igbo, are profiled and made to undergo indiscriminate and unlawful searching like common criminals.

“But one thing is certain; these humiliations and intimidations cannot stop Igbo from pursuing the mandate of restoring Biafra’s freedom.