
Beyond The Owo Massacre By Femi Falana

Apparently frustrated with the cavalier attitude of the Federal Government and some  State Governments to security reports the State Security Service (SSS) has recently resorted to alerting the Nigerian people of imminent attacks by terrorists and other nihilist forces.

Thus, on March 20, the State Security Services (SSS) said it had discovered plans to cause violence in parts of the country particularly in the North Central. Dr Peter Afunanya, the Public Relations Officer of the DSS, disclosed that measures had been taken to forestall the plot by the unscrupulous elements in the society. He warned that, “While the Service views the machination as unpatriotic, it is on the trail of the agents of destabilisation who are desirous of using violence to achieve ulterior goals.”

Exactly nine days later, a group of terrorists attacked the Abuja-Kaduna train, killed over a dozen passengers and injured several others.  In his reaction to the dastardly attack on the train the then Minister of Transportation, Mr. Rotimi Amaechi said that he had forseen the bomb attack but that the Federal Executive Council had turned down his memo on a security surveillance contract! The scores of passengers abducted by the terrorists have not been released except a few whose family members were able to pay the ransom of about N100 million demanded by the terrorists.

Once again,  on April 26, 2022, the SSS alerted Nigerians on alleged plans by some dangerous elements to launch bomb attacks on critical infrastructure and public places like worship and relaxation centres, especially during and after the festive celebrations.The SSS issued the alert  in a statement by its spokesperson, Peter Afunanya.  Mr.  Afunanya said the criminal elements were planning to return the country to the pre-2015 era reminiscent of IED attacks on soft and hard targets.

As predicted, a group of unmasked armed terrorists stormed the St Francis Catholic Church in Owo, Ondo State where they detonated explosives in the church and then gunned down worshippers during service on Sunday, June 5, 2022. Not less than 50 people were killed while over 100 people were injured. After the terrorist attack, the Ondo police command was reported to have deployed officers of the explosive ordinance disposal (EOD) unit,  better known as the anti-bomb squad, to Owo local government area. As expected, the Federal Government has condemned the reckless attack on the worshippers and threatened to bring the criminal elements to justice. 

We commiserate with the government and people of Ondo State over the massacre. Our hearts go to the bereaved families who lost their loved ones in the dastardly attack. However, governments at all levels  must go beyond issuing threats. It is common knowledge that every country involved in the prosecution of war on terror is required to train security personnel and acquire adequate security gadgets to protect the people. Therefore, the Federal Government should ensure that the nation’s airports, trains, buses, courts, schools, malls, churches, mosques, banks and other public places are provided with screening machines and CCTV cameras. As a matter of urgency, the Federal Government and the various State Governments should promptly act on intelligence reports compiled by the State Security Service and other security agencies. 

Contrary to the general belief,  this is not the first time that the terrorists had launched attacks in the southwest. It is on record that the Boko Haram and ISWAP sects had attempted to bomb Lagos but were frustrated by the security agencies. For instance, on August 30, 2015, the SSS  confirmed the arrest of over a dozen Boko Haram leaders in the within two months including nine in Lagos and one in Enugu State. The SSS  said “the sudden influx of Boko Haram members into Lagos State points to the determination of the sect to extend its nefarious terrorist activities to the State and in fact, other parts of the country.” On July 1, 2021 the Nigerian Army announced that during its  standing patrols and raid operations at strategic areas in the southwest zone, including Majidun area, one Mr. Ibrahim Musa, an ISWAP member was arrested at No 31 Abartura Street in Sango-Ota, Ogun State.

We urge  the security forces to continue to frustrate the nefarious agenda of the terrorists.  We also call on citizens to be security conscious and  report suspicious security threats to law enforcement agencies. Sometime in 2013, a group of terrorists had attempted to bomb Lagos with 17 boxes of explosives.  Former Governor of Lagos State, Mr. Babatunde Fashola SAN (now Minister of Works and Housing) recently recalled this incident as follows:  “… When  17 suitcases loaded with explosives were brought into Lagos in 2013, law enforcement missed it. It was citizen information, which we did not discard that led to their seizure, apprehension of the suspects and their cargo of terror. They were tried in Lagos without public show. That was the period new courts were being built in Badagry and we prosecuted them there. They were given a fair trial because they had lawyers representing them. They were over 20 and were convicted and this enabled government put them in a place where they could no longer harm residents of Lagos.”

A lot of lessons should be learnt from that Lagos experience.    

Femi Falana SAN,

Chair, Alliance on Surviving 

Covid 19 and Beyond (ASCAB)

June 6, 2022.