
Fed Govt Amends Charges Against HEDA Chairman, Suraju

By Bob MajiriOghene Etemiku

Abuja – Nigeria’s Federal Government, through its Attorney General and Minister of Justice has dropped the four-count charge against Olanrewaju Suraj, chairman of the Human and Environmental Development Agenda (HEDA) and introduced two new charges in their place.

The amended charges, with number FHC/ABJ.CR/370/2021, dated 11th February 2022 was signed by A.A Yusuf, deputy director and A.K Alilu, assistant director in the department of public prosecutions of the Federation.

Count one of the charges accused Mr. Suraju of intentionally using his twitter handle to circulate an audio telephone conversation alleged to have taken place between an Italian journalist Carlamaria Rumor and Adoke Mohammed (SAN), ‘causing insult to Mr Mohammed Adoke, SAN.’

Second charge is that in 2018, Mr. Suraju allegedly and intentionally circulated an audio telephone interview that allegedly occurred  between Carlamaria and Mr. Adoke Mohammed SAN, on his Facebook page,  both charges contrary to Section 24 of the Cybercrimes (Prohibition, Prevention, etc) 2015.

The Federal government reduced the charges from four to two for want of evidence on Cyberstalking initially slapped on Mr Suraju.

On two occasions when the court sat, the Federal Government side had appealed to presiding judge, Justice Amina Nyako to adjourn the matter until they put their house in order.

The frequent adjournments of the case also did not let Mr. Suraju take a plea on the four count charge slapped on him by the Government of Nigeria.

On the 18th of February when the amended charges were read to him, Mr. Suraju pleaded not guilty. The presiding judge, Justice Binta Nyako while ruling on the bail application  filed by Mr. Suraju’s lawyer, Muiz Banire, SAN, held that Mr. Suraju  be released to his lawyer on self-recognizance and on the order that his lawyer must deposit a check of N7million to the court registrar.

The Federal government lawyer, Bagudu Sani had earlier told the court that they have filed an amended charge thereby bringing the count charge to two instead of the four initially filed.

At the time of filing this report, was unable to get a reaction from Mr. Aminu Kayode Alilu, assistant director at the department of public prosecutions.

Adoke, one of those accused and charged with fraud in the OPL245 scam, also referred to as Malabu scandal, had petitioned the police and accused those behind the petitions resulting in his prosecution for corruption and money laundering that they circulated fabricated evidence against him to unduly incriminate him in the multi-million dollar scandal. 

It would be recalled that the police could not find any proof of forgery in the evidence used to expose Adoke’s corruption but went ahead to charge HEDA Chairman for Cyberstalking.

The Inspector-General of Police Monitoring Unit had in April 2021 detained at the Force headquarters Suraju for alleged sharing of media report on $1 billion Malabu oil deal.

JP Morgan Chase Bank had also released fresh documents which indicted Adoke and was admitted as evidence, including an electronic mail sent by him on June 21, 2011.

The bank released the documents to a United Kingdom court, the High Court of Justice, Business and Property Courts of England and Wales, after investigation was done by the Special Fraud Office, London, under Director Lisa Osofosky.

The documents confirm that contrary to Adoke’s claim of forgery against the NGOs and Italian prosecutors, the documents emanated from JP Morgan and UK court.

JP Morgan Chase Bank was accused by the Nigerian government of sending $801 million to the bank account of Malabu in Nigeria without appropriate authorization from Nigeria.

Adoke and six others are standing trial over alleged fraud in the oil deal.