
NATO Summit Opens With Focus On Solidarity

Leaders of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO), including U.S. President Joe Biden, met at a summit on Monday in a bid to rebuild solidarity among member states.

The summit of the 30-member NATO was the first of its kind Biden attended as U.S. President, after four years of chaos seen under his predecessor Donald Trump, who called the military alliance “obsolete.”

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg told reporters that the leaders were meeting “at a pivotal moment for our alliance, and today we’ll open a new chapter in our trans-Atlantic relationship.”

Stoltenberg noted that the summit would address the “NATO 2030″ agenda, a comprehensive initiative about making sure the alliance remained ready to face challenges.

He said that the leaders at the summit would strengthen Article V of NATO’s founding treaty, which stipulates that an attack on one will be considered an attack on all.

He added that NATO’s operation area would cover not only air, sea, and land, but also cyberspace and space.

Among the concerns NATO is facing is how to reconcile its role with the increasing defense autonomy the European Union wants.

French President Emmanuel Macron has emphasised the importance of Europe in the Western defense alliance, tweeting that it was Europe’s destiny to play a balancing role in the world in the future.

The summit will also touch on the bloc’s relations with Russia and China, and the aftermath of its military withdrawal from Afghanistan. (Xinhua/NAN)