
Nigeria ‘Treading The Path Of Sustainability’, Buhari Says At US Climate Summit

President Buhari has said Nigeria is undertaking climate-friendly programmes and is ‘treading the path of sustainability.’

He made this statement at the just concluded Leaders Summit on Climate convened by the President of the United States, Joe Biden, which was held virtually from April 22 to 23.

Speaking to the world leaders on Nigeria’s climate efforts so far, the president said, “As one of the most vulnerable nations, Nigeria is undertaking major environmentally sound and climate-friendly programmes and treading the path of sustainability.

“Since ratifying the Paris Agreement in 2016, Nigeria has rolled out several policy enablers such as institutional frameworks to cut emissions by 20% unconditionally and 45% conditionally with international support by 2030. Nigeria is convinced that through net-zero transitions, tremendous prospects are available for job creations and other economic benefits.

“We are expeditiously implementing programmes that stimulate the gradual transition away from the use of wood stoves to kerosene, liquefied natural gas, biogas and electricity with immediate effects, including healthy competition among private sector players leading to higher productivity, employment and faster service delivery.”

In the agricultural production and supply chain sector, he said his administration is seeking to improve productivity through effective weather forecasts for farmers, among others.

“We are targeting improved efficiency and productivity through the provision of accurate and timely weather forecasting to farmers, supply of drought-tolerant and highly matured crop variety and promoting employment through the diversification of sources of livelihood.”

He added that “beyond ending gas flaring by 2030, the oil and gas sector has undertaken steps for diversification, risk management systems, insurance, research and development and energy crisis management. The Nigerian government in 2017 launched the Green Bond programme as part of commitment contained in the Paris agreement signed on September 21st 2016.”

“The overall outcome of the highlighted actions have translated into food supply sufficiency, improved nutrition, less hunger, increased employment, more jobs and opportunities, better livelihoods, reduced poverty, decreased vulnerability to health challenges and high quality of life.”

He concluded by calling for a global shift towards a circular economy as well as sustainable production and consumption.

“Excellencies, Nigeria calls on countries to embrace circular economy and sustainable production and consumption models in order to expedite attainment of the long term goals of Paris Agreement. I wish, your excellencies, to reiterate Nigeria’s commitment to galvanize relevant stakeholders for climate action and our readiness to extend support to regional, continental and global multilateral processes for the attainment of the lofty objectives of the Paris Agreement. The fight to address the impact is the responsibility of all,” he said.