
“I Will Fire You On The Spot” If Found Treating Another Colleague With Disrespect, Biden Warns WH Staff

President Joe Biden warned new White House employees he would terminate them if he found them trashing one another, thereby setting the tone on the direction of the new administration.

Making explicit he wanted to break with the toxic environment that pervaded the West Wing during the previous administration, Biden said he wanted his staff governed by collegiality and respect, the CNN reported.

“If you’re ever working with me and I hear you treating another colleague with disrespect, talking down to someone, I will fire you on the spot,” Biden said in the State Dining Room during a ceremony swearing-in officials.

He said he wanted his staff to treat each other with decency, something he said had “been missing a big way the past four years.”

Earlier in the ceremony, Biden said he wanted his staff to treat everyone with “dignity.”

“History measures us and our fellow Americans…by how decent, honorable and smart we have been in looking out for their interests,” he said.