
Strike Remains In Full Force At Ambrose Ali University, Says ASUU

By Okhide Em’ya David

Academic   Staff   Union   of   Universities (ASUU),   Ambrose   Alli   University (AAU), Ekpoma   Chapter, has cautioned the general public, students   and   parents  in  particular to disregard purported claim of end of their industrial action and invitation of students to return to class for academic exercises.

ASUU local Chairman, Dr Monday Lewis Igbafen, and Secretary Dr Anthony .A. Aizebioje-Coker, said   in a statement in Benin that ” the   nationwide strike   approved   by   our national   body   in   March   this   year   has   not   been   suspended   to   necessitate   the reopening of the University.”

AAU-ASUU said they are “in total compliance  with  the ongoing strike meant to revitalize public universities, including our own AAU, Ekpoma.”

They said  for AAU, Ekpoma,”the strike has not been suspended as only  the national leadership of the Union can direct the suspension of the strike” adding that like other branches in public universities, parents   should   be   guided   not   to   risk   the  lives  of students  by allowing them to embark on  unnecessary journeys on  treacherous roads because of a purported resumption of activities in the university.

The Union said it is their strong view  that it will be counterproductive to reopen the university when their  members will not be available to attend to the students in any way or teach because of the ongoing strike.

It will be recalled that Authorities of  Ambrose Ali University had issued a statement calling on their students to resume for academic classes next week.