
Annual Feast of Saints: Catholic Faithful Renew Calls For Release Of Lear Sharibu From Boko Haram

By Okhide Em’ya David

As Catholic Faithful world-wide observe the annual feast of Saints, those in Benin have strongly called for the unconditional release of Miss Lear Sharibu who was amongst others abducted by Boko Haram insurgents.

It would be recalled that on February 19, 2018, 110 schoolgirls aged 11–19 years old, amongst them Leah Sharibu  were abducted by the Boko Haram Insurgents  from the Government Girls’ Science and Technical College (GGSTC), Dapchi in Bulabulin, Yunusari Local Government area of Yobe State  of Northeastern Nigeria.

The Catholic Faithful also want the Federal Government to honor her with a National Award for her bravery, Integrity and defiance in the face of grave threat instead of honoring alleged corrupt Individuals who caused the same problems the nation has been struggling to resolve.

The Archbishop of the Benin Catholic Diocese, Dr. Augustine Akubueze Obiora  who was represented by Reverend Father Felix Isedu, told participants and guests at a seminar to mark the Feast of All Saints organized by Project Charilove Center for care for Physically challenged Persons in Benin City,  said the inevitability of death for living things, man inclusive must compel People  irrespective of their financial status to honor each other through love which will ultimately make the Society a better place.

Founder Project Charilove, Brother Chris Omusi with an interpreter.

Archbishop Augustine Akubueze Obiora  said: “the lives of the Saints gives us hope”  adding “that when the absurdities of life threatens our very  existence Humans should turn to the Saints as instructional Guides.

The  Founder and Servant – Leader, Project Charilove, Brother Chris Omusi described the celebration of the Feast of All Saints as a form of Copernican Revolution, which is geared towards eradication of the hero  worshiping  by  Nigerians  of Persons who have questionable wealth, guns and pose threats as well as those perceived as having extra ordinary power, political, spiritual, including Voodoo.

Brother Chris Omusi said the situation is as bad as to the extent that even the authorities grant such persons with vain wealth impunity, while the ordinary Nigerian becomes abnormally cheap in various indexes asking how else Nigerians would sell their votes, their conscience, as well as their birthrights for mere pittances.

He said Project Charilove has done a lot to try and change the ugly narrative, promote appropriate celebration of the lives of saints, still struggling or triumphant as a means to achieve individual and national reorientation, which Nigeria critically needs today.

Brother Chris Omusi said the Seminar is an invitation to Nigerians to come know and intimate with the Saints, call to Holiness, be part of movement to change current diabolical orientation of the average Nigerian, while it is expected that at the end of the exercise Participants are expected to become agents of change that the Country urgently requires.

Earlier, the Chairman of Project Charilove, Comrade Sabina Osehobo said if there is any more desirable agitation today in Nigeria, it is the need for attitudinal change by all to embrace good virtues devoid of despicable quest for high immorality, abuse of office and total disregard for decency in the Society.

Sabina Osehobo observed that even if the best policies on youth empowerment, agricultural revolution, constitutional reforms, such as the much canvassed “Restructuring” is enforced in Nigeria today, without a corresponding change of attitude by the people to guarantee “good governance” majority of the populace will still live below average.

The Chairman of the seminar paper presentation retired Venerable Stephen Aighemwenhio described Saints as having two Categories, viz Militant and Triumphant Saints, saying whereas Militant Saints are those still alive and unflinchingly fighting tooth and nail for social reforms, the later are those who have fought gallantly and are resting in the Lords Bosom.

Retired Venerable Stephen Aighemwenhio listed the qualities of a saint to include: “Standing for the truth against all odds, exhibition of unbridled fear of God, and making Sacrifices for the progress and expansion of the Gospel of Christ,” adding that those who are steadfast in the defense of the Gospel must never be left empty handed by the Almighty God.

In their various presentations, Reverend Father Gabriel Ujah, who titled his paper “Celebrating the Saints for Individual and National reorientation” and Reverend Father Charles Omogiate who spoke about the “Joy and benefits of knowing the Saints,” encouraged Nigerians to remain faithful, hopeful and steadfast in seeking divine intervention in the face of burning social, economic and political travails, as their perseverance will certainly yield positive results.

There were also topical Messages from the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), delivered on behalf of the Edo State Chairman, Bishop Oyenode Kure by the Secretary, Brother Best Iriabe.