
Stay Out Of Edo Governorship Polls, EPIA Warns Godfathers

By Isaac Eranga

Edo Progressive Indigenous Association (EPIA), also known as Edo Indigenous Movement (EIM), has warned Edos and non-Edo indigenes parading themselves as godfathers in Edo politics to desist from attempting to circumvent the will of the people, otherwise they will risk court action. 

This warning was contained in a statement signed by the Chairman of Publicity and Research Committee, Mr.  Osazee Nelson Godwin.

“We want to use this medium to send a clear message to all godfathers inside and outside of Edo State, that we will no longer tolerate anyone or group of persons who want to singlehandedly determine or dictate who will preside over the affairs of our great state.

We know few people take polities as a full-time job and have benefited immensely at the detriment of the larger population, but we want to say enough is enough, the status quo cannot continue otherwise  all Edo indigenes will rally against those few elements to name and shame them.

“For Edo indigenes who are parading themselves as godfathers, for all you have enjoyed in the past, we are happy for you; in moving forward, Edo indigenes have spoken explicitly that they are no longer interested in godfatherism.

‘The act of these few individuals is drawing back the wheel of developments and this has to stop.

“This has been persisting for decades, and it’s high time we stop. Our indigenes will not hesitate to seek the highest level of Justice should anyone be found wanting.

“We will not rest until the issue of godfatherism has come to a complete halt in the immediate and in the future,” said the statement.

EPIA was established and registered in 2014 to empower Edo Indigenes all over the world and fight against marginalization of indigenes in their settlements across the board; to empower Edo indigenous people; to promote Edo indigenous language and culture all over the world; to protect the right of women, children, physically challenged and the vulnerable indigenous people in Edo State and around the world; to create food and welfare bank for Edo indigenous people in every country they are located worldwide; to promote 15% tax cuts for Edo indigenous investors; to promote bursary for Edo indigenous students; and lots more.