Dr. Scotty Oziegbe Izevbigie
Daddy, I will never forget you! You started from a humble beginning and conquered the world!
You were an educator, and yet, a traditionalist! Your love for the Edo culture and traditions were unmatched. Your kind has become rarer with your exit from this world stage!
You were there for me through thick and thin. You were my best friend, chief adviser, mentor, confidante, teacher, financier, and above all, my hero father! I thank God for the opportunity given to me to be your offspring.

I am so proud of your work and life accomplishment! There was nothing I didn’t discuss with you…including “activities,” politics, making money, education, and even how to make the “right” babies, which was a regular for us!
Who will I play draft game with now? You taught me life lessons, how to be a man, and stay a man! I learned a lot from you daddy.
I am glad that I fulfilled my promise of keeping the name “Dr. Izevbigie” alive before your departure. You will forever be missed and remain in our hearts!
Love always,