


By Igbotako Nowinta

There is no disputing the fact that the CNN and other media forces have been at dagger-drawn with Trump’s Republican agenda, but he has carelessly played into the hands of House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi by his abuse of power, obstruction of Justice/Congress and trying to discredit a formidable rival like Joe Biden. In a country founded and built by immigrants; in a country where freedom of speech is sacrosanct, no sitting American President has traumatized, dehumanized and demobilized foreigners coming from Africa, Middle East and so on by resorting to the application of ‘Executive Orders,’ as President Trump. The league of former Presidents have had to express deep concerns and grave anxiety over the way he has carried on as President. Regardless of his alleged grave misconducts, then candidate Trump won the last Presidential Election on the allegations that he made an unholy pact with Russia which contributed to the defeat of the democratic hopeful, Hilary Clinton. There is no doubt the December 2019 impeachment will remain an albatross on the Trump Presidency, but only time will tell how it will affect the 2020 election, with all indications that his Republican gang members are waiting to acquit him in the Senate.

Richard Nixon was brought down from the highest mountain of authority in the United States as President on the 9th of August 1974, when he resigned from office.

His resignation was made utterly unavoidable by the American Congress between July 27 and 31 1974, when a chunk of the Republicans colluding with some Democrats, filed articles of impeachment against him to be finalized in the Senate, because he grossly undermined the supreme constitutional provisions that swept him into office.

Richard Nixon therefore became the only sitting American President so far,  to succumb to the rigor of resignation in the face of overwhelming evidence, that he knew about the burglary attack on the Democratic Headquarters at Watergate apartment office complex in Washington in 1972.

The ‘Watergate scandal’ which was diabolically used by Nixon to spy into the strategic political tactics of his opponent (Democrat, Goerge Mcgovern) eventually resulted in his waterloo.

In trying to cut political corners and gutters to outsmart his arch political rivals, that eventually led to his electoral victory, Richard Nixon thought he was acting a water proof script that could never be discovered, but in the end he was consumed mercilessly by the unsentimental American constitutional supremacy.

In his last presidential address to the American people, Nixon wept and regretted his actions when he said: ” Greatness comes not when things go always good for you, but the greatness comes and you are really tested, when you take some knocks…only if you have been to the deepest valley can you ever know how magnificent it is to be on the highest mountain.”

On Wednesday 18th of December 2019, President Donald Trump who was sworn in as the 45th American President, on January 20th, 2017 became the 3rd President of the United States to be impeached by Congress. The first American President to be impeached was Andrew Johnson while the second was William (Bill) Clinton.

The impeachment of President Donald Trump is a perfect case of the unlimitation of presidential extremism, a sharp curtailment of unwarranted abuse of presidential oath, a reverse gear back to block excesses carried to the zenith of racism, ambition and religion.

Here is a man who has so far led one of the most notorious hate governance mechanism in modern American history; real issues of human rights and democracy have become extinguished and put under the rug of ultra conservatism and unbridled nationalism under his presidency.

The troubling reality is that President Donald Trump has become a real danger to the spirits and letters that guided the thoughts and convictions of the forerunners that passionately and feverishly fought for the establishment of the American Republic.

It is indeed absurd that in spite of his claim to deep Christian faith, Trump remains a most boisterous, harsh and inconsiderate President in American history. He has put the nation on a reckless course towards racial disorder and endless tensions arising from controversial decisions.

Seduced by the trappings of executive presidency, Trump made willful blunders in the name of his pathological hatred for Muslims and turned his presidency into an instrument of nationwide repression for undocumented people in the United States.

President Trump began a rampage of executive fiats seldom seen in American history as soon as he was inaugurated, using presidential intimidation and blackmail, atrocities piled up one after the other with bewildering rapidity, even as top members of his cabinet either threw in the towel or were out rightly shown the door.

He failed to understand the bolts and nuts of power as he pursued his anti-immigrant stance with horrifying brutality. As a serial meddler in messy waters, Trump was accused of rape, sexual assaults and harassment, non-consensual kissing by a total of 22 women since the 1980s, but survived until House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi initiated the impeachment exercise that has finally nailed him down.

President Andrew Johnson was impeached in 1868 because he hated the gut of a radical Republican called Edwin Stanton as Secretary of War, and in his place he brought in Ulysses Grant; William (Bill) Clinton was impeached on December 19 1998, for overstepping his presidential powers in a case of perjury involving a White House intern, named Monica Lewinsky, while President Donald Trump was impeached for initiating the investigation of his political rival, Joe Biden a high profile politician and former Vice President and his son, Robert Hunter Biden.

President Trump was alleged to have persuaded Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Zelensky to investigate the Bidens in that country over corruption, with a cynical view to ultimately discredit him during the 2020 Presidential Election in the United States.

In the above scenarios, both Johnson and Clinton managed to escape the noose of the American Senate. It is most likely too that President Trump, a billionaire of exceeding heights, with a brutal connection within the system will try to drive a wedge of division among the Senators by escaping the imminent wrath of the American Senate.

If Trump escapes or not the damage has already been done, his credibility has been drastically undermined, going into the 2020 Presidential Election in the United States.

The unfolding drama has seen the emergence of House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi, as the ‘woman of the year’ for calling the bluff of President Donald Trump, by nailing him on the cross of the approaching election in America.

Unlike in most democracies, especially in Africa, nay Nigeria, where leaders frequently and shamelessly desecrate the laws of the land by urinating and spitting on the sacred letters and spirits of the democracy, the American democrats have risen up to the occasion to safe guard the legendary toil and sweat of the likes of Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, John Adams, Alexander Hamilton etc., who fought with fever and passion to invent the American Republic.

There is no disputing the fact that the CNN and other media forces have been at dagger-drawn with Trump’s Republican agenda, but he has carelessly played into the hands of House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi by his abuse of power, obstruction of Justice/Congress and trying to discredit a formidable rival like Joe Biden.

In a country founded and built by immigrants; in a country where freedom of speech is sacrosanct, no sitting American President has traumatized, dehumanized and demobilized foreigners coming from Africa, Middle East and so on by resorting to the application of ‘Executive Orders,’ as President Trump.

The league of former Presidents have had to express deep concerns and grave anxiety over the way he has carried on as President.

Regardless of his alleged grave misconducts, then candidate Trump won the last Presidential Election on the allegations that he made an unholy pact with Russia which contributed to the defeat of the democratic hopeful, Hilary Clinton.

There is no doubt the December 2019 impeachment will remain an albatross on the Trump Presidency, but only time will tell how it will affect the 2020 election, with all indications that his Republican gang members are waiting to acquit him in the Senate.

Nowinta Igbotako wrote: Where we are – A call for democratic revolution in Nigeria.