
Nigerian Govt Pledges Support For Herbal Medicine Practice

Nigeria’s Federal Government has assured all herbal medicine Practitioners in the country of its support to ensure efficient utilization of herbs and plant to boost the nation’s economy.

The Minister of Science and Technology, Dr. Ogbonaya Onu stated this on Thursday during the presentation of CLEAR EYE VISION EYE DROP by a Consultant herbalist, Dr. Isongon, Kizito Ikor from Calabar, in his office on Thursday.

The Minister stressed the importance of plants and herbs which according to him cannot be overestimated, adding that with the abundance of roots and herbs in every part of Nigeria “which is a secret yet unknown to us, these secrets can help find solutions to various health care challenges we have in the Country.’’

According to Vanguard report, Dr. Onu cited Countries like China, India and others that efficiently harnessed their herbs and plants to diversify their economy and create wealth.

He maintained that Nigeria too could diversify her economy and create wealth for her teeming youths by investing in herbal medicine. He assured that the Ministry is encouraging herbal practitioners through one of its agency, Nigerian Natural medicine Development Agency, which is creating enabling environment for their businesses to drive.

He further assured that the Ministry will collaborate with the Ministry of Health to ensure full investigation into the products ‘’Clear Eye Vision Eye Drop’’ to ensure its safety.

Earlier, the inventor of the Eye drop, Dr. Isongo Kizito Ikor disclosed that in addition to the eye drop, he has also discovered medicine for the treatment of Breast cancer, prostrate and colon cancers, hypertension and stroke.

He further disclosed that his medicines are made from sap of trees with zero preservative and it has no expiring date, proudly sourced and produced in Nigeria.