Important Events In September:
…Nigeria’s first satellite, NigeriaSat-1 was launched by Russian rocket on September 26, 2003.
…The first American newspaper was established on Sept 25, 1690.
…General Motors was founded on September 16, 1908.
And on September 15, 1934, a Prince was born!
Born into the revered Royal Family of the Great Benin Kingdom, Edo State of Nigeria, the charming and eloquent Royal Highness, Prince Edun Akenzua, the Enogie (Duke) of Obazuwa is 85 years old today.

A seasoned journalist, businessman, an author, beloved father, grandfather, brother, uncle, elder statesman, member of the Order of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and Fellow of the Nigerian Guild of Editors, daddy you have continued to be a true source of inspirations to all of us.
As we celebrate and rejoice with you in love today, daddy, on this your birthday milestone, we are so thankful to God for your exemplary life, always worthy of emulation.
We, your children pray that God will continue to bless you, favor you, grant you His peace, His wisdom, His love, His protection, His grace, His goodness, His mercy, great health and overflowing joy.

We remain proud of you for your phenomenal achievements, sheer honesty, vision, steadfastness, patriotism, discipline, doggedness, advocacy for social justice and human rights.
Happy birthday to you, our darling father and the quintessential Great Benin Royal Highness, Prince Edun Akenzua, MFR, FNGE, The Enogie (Duke) of Obazuwa.
Signed With Love, by Prince Larry Eweka on behalf of the Benin Royal Family, North America.