
Obaseki Commends EDHA For Efficient Resource Use, Assembly Complex Renovation

Edo State Governor, Mr. Godwin Obaseki, has commended the Edo State House of Assembly for the judicious use of its resources, which resulted in the facelift of the Anthony Enahoro Assembly Complex.

The governor, who gave the commendation during an inspection visit to the Assembly complex in Benin City, the Edo State capital, said it was noteworthy that the renovation work was carried out through prudent resource management as no special fund was set aside for the exercise.

Obaseki said, “I am happy with what I see here today. I am excited because special allocation or fund was not given for this renovation, but you did this from your regular allocation. I am pleased as the Assembly has properly utilised its fund. It shows you are prudent in spending.”

He said politics is about public service and not self-interest, and expressed delight that the assembly complex is wearing a new look.

Speaker, Edo State House of Assembly, Rt. Hon. Kabiru Adjoto, who welcomed the governor and his entourage, acknowledged the massive infrastructural development in the state which he said has been extended to the parliament.

He praised the governor for the beautiful and conducive environment in the assembly complex, as members and staff of the Assembly now spend more time in the office, in discharging their duties which has increased productivity.

Majority Leader of the House, Hon. Roland Asoro, expressed appreciation to the governor for the visit, assuring that members of the legislative arm will key into the governor’s developmental programmes to transform Edo State.