
Environmental Media Network Hosts Climate Literacy Day In Nigeria

[dropcap]I[/dropcap]n an effort to teach younger generations how to take decisions and action on climate issues, the Media Network for Climate Education, an environmental non-profit organization hosted a Climate Literacy day at Winrose Secondary School, Obe near Benin City in Southern Nigeria on Friday, November 17.

According to the organization, a significant number of secondary school students in Nigeria want more to be done about climate and want government officials to take action on climate change.

Founded of the group, Osehobo Ofure says it is focused on informing young adults about how to become engaged in order to be able to calculate their carbon footprints and help promote public understanding of climate change.

“We are solely focusing on student engagement and climate change, particularly around the areas of awareness of climate change terms like greenhouse gases, Global warming, carbonate footprints and others.

“A lot of what we are doing is not only events like this, but also focusing on signing up students, getting their information and letting them know how they can be climate ambassadors, sharing information with family, friends and relatives.”

In a country with frequent natural disasters, like rainstorms, desert encroachment, deforestation, bush fires, air pollution, erosion and flooding many Nigerian students are uncertain of what the future holds, he noted.

The day featured two films, depicting how human action over time increased global warming with the emission of greenhouse gases like Carbon dioxide, methane and Nitrous oxide.

The event which featured the students signing the Climate pledge in support of the Paris Agreement, taking a group photograph, was hosted by the school which provided the hall, with 42 students, and the energy by way of a gasoline generator for the laptop, projector and sound system.

The school also had 27 students inducted into the Climate Awareness Club which was setup at the event with three female students, emerging as the President, Secretary and treasurer of the club leaving a male student as Public Relations officer.

In addition a certificate was issued to the school for the club while notebooks were given to the club.