
Trump Tries To Mend Relationship With Jewish Community After Past Slights

Donald Trump sought to rebuild his administration’s relationship with the Jewish community on Tuesday as he spoke out against Holocaust deniers and promised to confront antisemitism.

The US president was criticised after an official White House statement to commemorate International Holocaust Remembrance Day failed to mention Jews, his spokesman claimed that Hitler did not use chemical weapons against “his own people” and Trump himself described far-right Marine Le Pen as the “strongest” candidate in the French election, despite her party’s history of xenophobia and antisemitism.

In a speech marking Holocaust Remembrance Day at the US Capitol, Trump addressed an audience that included Holocaust survivors, Israeli ambassador Ron Dermer and the president’s son-in-law Jared Kushner, who is Jewish, as well as members of Congress.

Millions of innocent people were imprisoned and executed by the Nazis without mercy, Trump said. “Yet, even today, there are those who want to forget the past. Worse still, there are even those filled with such hate, total hate, that they want to erase the Holocaust from history. Those who deny the Holocaust are an accomplice to this horrible evil. And we’ll never be silent – we just won’t – we will never, ever be silent in the face of evil again.”

Trump earned applause during a 15-minute speech at the ceremony hosted by the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. He highlighted recent incidents of antisemitism on university campuses, in the public square and in threats against Jewish citizens.

“Even worse, it’s been on display in the most sinister manner when terrorists attack Jewish communities, or when aggressors threaten Israel with total and complete destruction,” he said.

“This is my pledge to you: we will confront antisemitism. We will stamp out prejudice. We will condemn hatred. We will bear witness. And we will act. As president of the United States, I will always stand with the Jewish people – and I will always stand with our great friend and partner, the state of Israel.”

The improvisational businessman turned politician wisely stuck to the teleprompter but couldn’t resist an ad lib after speaking of the Nazi genocide: “You saw the organized attempt at the extermination of an entire people,” adding: “And great people, I must add.”

After his remarks, Trump took a seat on stage as Holocaust survivors lit candles in memory of the dead. Among them was Manny Mandel, who survived the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp.

Mandel, 81, a retired psychotherapist, said later: “I’m not a supporter of the president but I must say I was very impressed by the delivery, by the composition and by the whole spirit of how he did. I think I’ve not been as impressed by him ever before today.”

(TheGuardian US)