
Edo Community Cries Out For Help As Fire Claims Farmlands

By Kingsley Abavo

Several farmers of Orhua Community in Uhunmwode Local Government Council Area, Edo State are searching for answers to their recent misfortune occasioned by a devastating fire in which they allegedly lost millions of naira worth of food crops.

The affected people are those whose only source of livelihood is farming. correspondent saw a hopeless situation among the people of Orhua Community when he was taken round the burnt bush and farmlands during his visit to the affected community.

pic 1 001It was all tears, sorrow, tales of woes and hopelessness as the people counted their losses which they said would run into several millions of naira.

According to them, the fire was sudden and caught them napping and before they knew what hit them, their farms were already consumed thus exposing them to imminent hunger and financial hardship.

Consequently, they are soliciting support of government at all levels, well placed citizens and corporate bodies to enable them wade through the turbulent times.

Narrating his ordeal, the Odionwere (eldest man) of Orhua, Pa. Samuel Ozigbo said: “we were at home about five days ago when we suddenly saw thick smoke in the air from Uzala, a neighboring community axis.

“All through the night we could not sleep as everyone went into the bush in frantic effort to prevent the raging fire from doing much damage. But unfortunately, we could not achieve much positive result.

“Cassava farms, yam, pineapple farms, cocoa, plantain plantations, palm plantations etc., are all gone with the fire. We therefore solicit the urgent support of government and all other well-meaning Nigerians.”

Also speaking, Mr. Palmer Omorodion, a pensioner and spokesperson to the Odionwere said: “we are completely helpless now. As you can see, we are in the forest area, we share common boundary with Esan-West Local Government Council Area, and Edo North. So, we are contiguous.”

”But now, of all the crops we planted, nobody can have any food crop to carry to the market. Therefore, with what shall we be living? We urgently need relief materials.

“This is very important first, it should be food. We are not talking of mattresses and building materials or relief materials; chop-chop. We solicit urgent government help and it should be food items. This is because it is only in the rainy season we will again begin to manage.”

He lamented that in the misfortune that has befallen the Community, those who took loan to invest in the farming business were worst hit as repayment obviously would now be difficult.

“Those who took loan from financial homes are worst hit. There are some individuals that borrowed money to make their farms. But all others are subsistent farmers however; everybody is back to square one.

“To be able to farm in Orhua, you now find a woman contributing N200 every market day to enable her employ labor to help prepare the farm. Even some pay up to the sum of N2,000 depending on the size they intend cultivating,” he said.

The Chairman, Development Committee of the Community, Mr. Francis Ebowe said though they did not suspect any sabotage, they noticed that the fire came from the Uzala axis.

On the impact of the fire incident, Ebowe further lamented; “No food stuff in Orhua Community now, and we no more have source of income earning because all our crops are burnt.

“Right now, we do not know what to do. Whether we will be able to survive or not, we do not know since all our source of food stuff and income have all been burnt.

“Therefore, we appeal that government at all levels if possible and well-meaning citizens and corporate bodies should quickly come to our aid.”

In the same vein, some of those whose farms have been erased by the fire spoke with us.

Mr. Sunday Imafidon, owner of a large pineapple farm had this to say: “Truly that pineapple farm is a source of sustenance of my family. But suddenly, over night the whole thing was consumed by fire. Now, it is only God that knows how we are going to survive.”

Imafidon disclosed that the farm which is about three and half acres in size, earn him during a season between the sum of N80,000 and N100,000 plus, depending on the volume of yield.

Another victim, Mr. Stephen Ogbeide, owner of Ogbolo (a local seed) plantation tells his story, pointing: “This is my ogbolo farm, two acres in size. About five days ago, fire gutted this farm and we were unable to quench it because of its high intensity.

“Regrettably, this is the source of income with which my children’s school fees are paid. They are all in the higher institution of learning. As it is now, I am very confused as to what to do, to be able to continue with their sponsorship.”

Ogbeide who said though he cannot estimate the gross annual earnings from his farming business, but had been financially stable before now lamented that his hope was lost going into the future as his two other cassava farms of about four acres in size have all been gutted by fire.

Also lamenting, Mr. Timothy Jonah, owner of a large palm plantation, cassava and yam farms said he was lost in thought as to how he would begin afresh. He appealed for support of government and other intervention bodies.

“I cultivated this palm farm in 1991when I lost my job in Lagos and I decided to come back home. Also, my cassava farms of over five acres and yam farm are gone with the fire. Farming is my only source of income earning. As I am presently, truly I am not okay.”

Jonah, father of eight children, with two in the University, and one in the Polytechnic, was visibly distressed as he lamented continuously the misfortune of the fire and wondered how he was going to cope from now.

Mr. Osagie Ide and Mr. Timothy Uhenbor, owners of farms of various crops, were also some of the victims. They all sing the same song: lamentation, and loss of hope on how to now carry on with the tasking responsibilities of life especially in terms of finance.

pic 3 001From our findings, Orhua was certainly one of the food baskets of Edo State, but unfortunately, apart from the devastating fire incident, both roads leading to the community from Iruekpen axis and Ehor axis are not motorable.

But interestingly, apart from other eminent personalities said to be natives of the fire ravaged community, two times House of Assembly member representing Uhunmwode Constituency in the State House of Assembly on the All Progressives Congress (APC) platform, Hon. Elizabeth Ativie business mogul, Capt. Hosa Okunbor are also natives.

Meanwhile, gathered that Edo State House of Assembly has responded positively to the cries of the community.

In a matter of Urgent Public Importance raised by Hon. Mrs. Elizabeth Ativie on the destruction caused by the fire, the lawmakers adopted a resolution calling on the 18 Local Government Councils in the State, the State Ministry of Agriculture and the State Ministry of Environment to urgently move into areas affected by the bush burning in the State and find out the cause and level of damage done.

The Legislators also urged the Ministries of Agriculture, Environment and public Utilities, Information, and National Orientation Agency to collaborate with the Local Governments through their community heads, development association, stakeholders and chairmen to aggressively educate the locals on the dangers of bush burning, and the alternative modern methods of weed control in their farms, using herbicides.

The lawmakers however, solicited the quick intervention of the National Emergency Agency and its counterpart in the State towards cushioning the effects of damage suffered by the victims.

This is as they also called on government at all levels, corporate bodies and well placed citizens to come to the aid of the victims.

While acknowledging the pains of the victims and the multiplier effect of the devastating fire, they condemned the act of bush burning as a method of preparing the soil for cultivation just as they emphasized anti – bush burning enlightenment campaign by concerned authorities to prevent future occurrence.

Earlier, Hon. Mrs. Ativie told her colleagues that the somewhat mysterious fire had spread across farmlands in Uhi, Irhue ward particularly Orhua and Umokpe communities in her constituency of Uhunmwode, destroying cash crops and other farm produce which served as economic mainstay of the farmers and their families.

But now, they have been crippled economically and are in serious need of support from all quarters.

All efforts to reach the State commissioner for Agriculture, Chris Okojie for comments were not successful as at the time filing this report.

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