Petitions/Press Releases

Terror Attack: U.S. Committed To France – Carter


WASHINGTON – United States Defense Secretary, Mr. Ashton Carter has reiterated his country’s firm commitment to support France and move together to ensure that the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant ISIL is finally defeated.

Carter restated the commitment while he and French Defense Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian discussed the campaign against the terrorist group on Sunday morning in a phone call during which they both agreed to continue to remain in close contact in the days ahead.

According to Pentagon Press Secretary Peter Cook, It was the second phone call between the two defense leaders since the November 13, 2015 terrorist attacks in Paris that killed scores of people and left many injured.

“This was an opportunity to share actions that both governments are taking in the wake of the attack,” Cook said in a statement summarizing the call.

“They agreed on concrete steps the U.S. and French militaries should take to further intensify our close cooperation in prosecuting a sustained campaign against ISIL,” he further hinted.