
U.S. Commerce Secretary Showcases Benefits Of Trans-Pacific Partnership

U.S. Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker on Wednesday issued a series of new fact sheets that demonstrate the positive impact that passage of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) can have on the U.S. economy.

The reports highlight the increased value of U.S. goods and services exports to TPP markets, the number of U.S. jobs supported by these exports, and the value of foreign investment into the United States from the 11 TPP partners.

“The trade agreement reached between the United States of America and 11 other countries is a substantial win for our nation’s workers, farmers, and businesses who support well-paying jobs by exporting ‘Made-in-America’ goods and services,” said Secretary Prtizker.

“The Trans-Pacific Partnership is a tough, high-standard, and modern trade agreement that reflects our values on labor, the environment, and human rights. TPP will strengthen the hand of American workers and ensure that our businesses can compete on a level playing field in some of the world’s most significant markets.”

The new fact sheets illustrate how TPP markets and the 800 million consumers that reside in these countries play a major role in U.S. global trade and investment activities.

For example, since 2009, U.S. goods exports to TPP countries have increased by 59 percent, while services exports to these markets have expanded 35 percent.

Additional highlights from the TPP fact sheets include:
•Goods exports to TPP countries supported 3.1 million U.S. jobs last year
•TPP countries accounted for 43 percent of all U.S. jobs supported by goods exports in 2014
•TPP markets accounted for 45 percent of total U.S. goods exports in 2014•Total stock of foreign direct investment from TPP countries into the United States topped $793 billion last year

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