Mother, it is a year today, May 12, 2014 since you left us to be with the Lord. Not a day goes by when you are not loved and missed.
Our hearts still ache in sadness, and secret tears still flow. No farewell word was spoken, there was no time to say goodbye. You were gone before we knew it, and only God knows why.
What you mean to us, no one can ever imagine it. As we walk through the journey of life, we remember how you helped us to grow with love, truth and honesty.
We remember how you helped us to choose the right path with values, morals and self-worth.
We remember how you gave us dreams with hope and confidence.
As we remember, we pray to be great fathers and mothers like you, to shape our children into strong adults full of hopes and dreams.
You made us who we are today, and we would always remember you in life’s passing for no one could touch our lives as you did.
Remembrance in life’s passing is the truest form of love one can give, for a memory should never die and love should live forever in the hearts of those you left behind.
Goodbye is not forever, and goodbye is not the end, it simply means we will miss you until we meet again.
Your beloved son,
Kingsley Uyi Obaseki
For the Family.