
Critical Factors For Achieving Success In 2015 Elections – Iwu, Ex-INEC Chief

Former chairman, Independent National Elec­toral Commission (INEC) Prof. Maurice Iwu, said yesterday that curbing violence be­fore, during and after the 2015 general elections is one of five factors critical to its success.

Iwu said this on Wednesday while speaking as guest lecturer on the topic, “Nigerian Democracy: Getting it Right in 2015,” at the second anniversary lecture of an online media, Real News magazine, and public presentation of a book, Paragon of Journalism.

Iwu said if 2015 poll must be successful, the menace of violence in the electoral process must be addressed effectively. And to create a conducive atmosphere for the 2015 polls, such critical issues as curbing violence, avoiding money politics, correcting people’s mindset, promotion internal democracy in political parties and enhancing women participation in elections must be addressed or tackled adequately, he added.

In his words, “Violence in its various forms and manifestations negate the spirit and principles of democracy. There is hardly any room for the two – democracy and violence – to thrive simultaneously,’’

“It is important that Nigerians appreciate the link between these retarding factors and the impairment of their electoral process.”

“These factors are intertwined and often engender numerous other problems which make the conduct of elections in the African setting a complex undertaking,” he said.

Iwu further said 2015 elections had their own peculiarities hence he called for unity and patriotism of Nigerians and political players, urging all to work together to preserve the nation’s democracy.

He said that the forthcoming general elections were an opportunity to consolidate on the gains of democracy made since 1999. (AIT)

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