
Obama’s Emergency Plan For AIDS Relief: Nigeria, Largest Recipient

Washington D.C.  –  By


Nigeria is the largest recipient of President Barack Obama’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) in the world, standing at $458 million annually.

Mr. Stephen Swatrz, United States Official from the state Department who represented the U.S. Government at the recent celebration of Nigeria’s 54th independence anniversary in Washington D.C. said last Wednesday.

The U.S. Diplomat told a gathering of men and women, mostly Nigerians at the celebration of the country’s millstone that: “Nigeria is our most important strategic partner in sub-Saharan Africa.”

He emphasized the fact that Nigeria was not just the largest population and economy in the region, but has global influence on peace and security, citing example from its current non-permanent seat on the UN Security Council.”

In stressing the importance of Nigeria-U.S. relations, he referred not only to the presence of Nigeria’s President, Dr. Goodluck Jonathan at the U.S.-African Leaders Summit this past summer, but to the participation of about 50 young Nigerians in the Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI) Mandela Washington Fellowship.

President Obama’s Power Africa program, he said was built on Nigeria’s own important step to the power sector, supporting efforts to attract investment to increase energy production in the country.

“Indeed, there are far too many areas of engagement to mention this evening. Underpinning all of our work together, of the Nigerian and American people, is our shared commitment to democracy.”

This is the reason, he continued that the United States is supporting efforts to ensure elections in Nigeria, “especially next February, are free, fair, peaceful and credible.”

Mr. Swatrz also acknowledged the roles of Nigerians in the entertainment industry, citing worldwide cultural reach with Nollywood as one of the world’s most prolific and dynamic film industries.

“The United States and Nigeria enjoy a deep bilateral relationship across a range of issues including governance, security, health, and economic growth.”

According to him, he joined Assistant Secretary for African Affairs, Linda Thomas Greenfield on her trip to Abuja for Bi-National Commission talks on Regional Security a few weeks ago, adding that at the end of this month there would be a Bi-National Commission on Governance, Transparency and Integrity.

“These “BNCs” as we call them, are frank and meaningful discussions that reflect our pursuit of common objectives,” he hinted.

Mr. Swatrz made reference to global political changes, saying: “We are at an unprecedented time in history where we are witnessing more transitions to democracy around the world, but also – unfortunately – more extremist elements seeking to counter democratic gains.”

He pointed out that the destabilizing actions of Boko Haram represented a threat to the gains of peace and stability Nigerians have achieved over the past two decades, assuring: “our security partnership is at the forefront of our work, to support Nigeria in winning its war on terrorism.”