
2015 Election Is Crucial To Nigeria’s Development – France and Germany

The foreign affairs ministers of the two European giants who said this at a meeting with Nigeria’s foreign affairs minister, Aminu Wali on Monday in Abuja however pledged the support of their government for successful 2015 elections.

The foreign minister of Germany Frank Walter Steinmeier and his French counterpart Laurent Fabius are in Nigeria for a trilateral talk with the Nigerian government on the success of the 2015 general elections, contentment of the Ebola virus disease and security issues.

With the success of Nigeria’s 2015 general elections top on the agenda, it is obvious that Germany and France are concerned on how the biggest democracy in Africa can handle the exercise in which they see as crucial to the survival of the country.

Laurent Fabius says, “This morning we pay a visit to the electoral commission and we have been impressed by what they said to us.”

The two countries said they are extending their supports in fighting Ebola and terror campaigns with the training of medical and military personnel.

Frank Walter Steinmeier said, “We have an agreement between Germany and Nigeria that the GIZ is educating and training part of the Nigerian Police and supporting part of the border control.”

Aminu Wali says “we were able to control and defect Ebola, we are no more isolated in Africa and globally.”

Germany and France also announced a standby European Union force to handle natural disasters and humanitarian needs in Europe and Africa in near future. (AIT)