
Muslims on Twitter Defend Beheading of Foley

Islam expert David Wood at has compiled some of the English language tweets from Muslims defending and celebrating the murder of American journalist James Foley.

As Wood put it, “there are plenty of Westernized Muslims who condemn the beheading of James Wright Foley. Unfortunately, Islam isn’t defined by Westernized Muslims.”

A Muslim told me a few days ago that the killers from the Islamic State are “criminals, not Muslims!”

But the killers believe they are being good Muslims. Some are helping distribute Qurans when they’re not massacring innocent non-Muslims. And Muslims justify the beheading of Foley with Islamic teaching.

This is a big crisis, not only for the West, but for worldwide Islam, which, up until now, has been very successful in efforts to essentially colonize European nations by more peaceful means; exploiting European guilt and wacky immigration policies.

The Islamic State is now forcing Europe and America to get real about the true threat of Islam, not only in the Middle East, but within their own borders.

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